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  1. Great information about Xalapa. The coffee sounds fabulous and so many interesting things to see and do. Definitely a different side of Mexico. Thanks for the information on safety too.

  2. HI
    Can you contact me via email I am really frightened after reading about the “severed heads” in Xalapa. See, I want to move to a rainy place in Mexico and it seems like Xalapa, being in a cloud forest is the closest I am going to find to my ideal place. I am in my 30’s and under a lot of stress after my husband died in an accident a year ago. I explored Cancun(LOVED IT) but I have porcelain skin and the sun in Cancun, and Oaxaca and even Cuernavaca is too strong. I have been a member of several travel forums and everyone seems to point me to xalapa. One person mentioned Uruapan but when I saw the amount of rainy days it seemed too sunny. Also I love the sea and i would only be an hour away in xalapa. I don’t think I would be happy being more than an hour or an hour and 15 minute3s away form the ocean. I just want to know if they are killing tourists randomly or if all the deaths were Mexican journalists. I am not a journalist. I have spent the last three years in Western Europe a violent crime free place so I am scared when I read about severed heads. I am an European citizen born in New York. Also I hope it is true that it is misty and cloudy and that the sun is not as intense as Oaxaca because it is unbearable. I am curretly in Oaxaca and I dislike the pollution and lack of Natural places with water. It appears there is a problem with water here I feel like i am in Las Vegas there are NO lakes even. I love water. But I must have a cloudy place if anything springs to mind in addition to xalapa since you have visited 14 states, please let me know thanks. Also I definitely want to adopt a dog/callajero so I want to be in a dog friendly place.:)

  3. Great information. I would love to visit Xapala! I appreciate the directions GETTING THERE too. Specially the shuttle buses and the cost for a taxis from airport. Can you share more the language schools and any artworkshops?

    1. So glad you found the info helpful, Lydia! I attended this language school through my university and highly recommend it. I’m not sure how enrollment works if you’re not currently enrolled in university, but I believe it’s possible. As for art workshops, I don’t know of any specifically but that is definitely something that you would be able to find in Xalapa. If you were to attend the EEE language school you could likely enroll in workshops through them, but there are many artists in Xalapa who offer classes and workshops all the time, too! You’d have no problem tracking one down once you arrive.

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